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Outsource Vs. In-House Video Production: What's Best for Your Business? (Part 1)

Updated: Mar 3, 2020

You already know the incredible potential of videos – you watch them.

It's for events/presentations, marketing service and or product demos, branding or customer support, trailers or all the above! The most powerful way to connect with customers or clients, potential or secured. In addition, add a layer of authenticity to your communication. It’s media (no need to say multi…because now it just is)! Businesses large and small have arrived at the decision, video is real and relates. It's beyond being just an element of your marketing strategies, it’s an investment challenge to your competition.

But are you ready to jump on board and so many YouTubers and marketers are trying to give you advise? The ones who are successful at marketing, but NOT successful at video production!

They will say just this is what you do, BLAH, BLAH! The true challenge is knowing how to start and long term goal. Someone offering videography or video editing or video production services everywhere you look. From freelancers to national media organizations are available for outsourcing. Due the internet, they seem closer than ever.

Some businesses have opted to take their video needs in-house. Not just larger companies, but small startups are doing this as well with tight budgets. So here are some key differences between Part 1 “Outsourcing video production/ marketing and Part 2 “In-house video services.” The pros and cons of each. Also, what to do in your specific situation.

Outsourcing Video Production - Pros vs Cons

When most people think of video production, they imagine bringing in a hired gun to shoot, edit, and produce whatever it is they need. The idea of outsourcing - calling on an expert from outside your business - is well-known for brands large and small. Outsourcing is the way many businesses handle their video production needs. Sometimes it's easier to have someone with all the experience and resources needed handle the project while you focus on product development, marketing, and other aspects of your business.

The Pros of Outsourcing Video Production

When you outsource your video needs, you don’t always have to pay above top dollar and get a host of valuable benefits:

  • State Of The Art Resources At Discount. Manufacturers have change the game! Companies are extremely competitive and forced to keep up with all the latest talent, cameras, software, and production techniques and other gadgets at NEW cost.

  • Experienced Problem Solvers. Again, noticed I mention talent prior! Outsourcing to professionals who have been shooting and editing video for years or even decades want your business often. We come in as an asset to your project, bringing a lot of experience and track record success.

  • People Pleasers (use to working with clients, documenting your needs, and producing quality end-results). Outside help getting an inside view and creating together allows develops a process. You want to be consistant and have clarity. Get your message across.

  • Are You Going To Calculate The Costs Involved. With contractors, you don't have to! Do you want to: pay healthcare, social security, and payroll employees to shoot video instead of do what you do best.

  • DYI or Get It Done? Contractors like us are used to meeting tight deadlines, our reputations depend on it.

The Cons of Outsourcing Video Production

Outsourcing isn't without quirks:

  • Often or Not So Much? Some experienced contractors confirm myths, so they leave you wondering about your ROI. They shouldn’t because it’s not always you build it they come! Ask them to include marketing strategies in the creation of the video and even with video. If you don’t know what to do with the video and you have not worked with video marketing before, there could be a budgeting freeze or confusion. Try to get all your questions answered. Unless you’re just that viral company!

  • One-time expenses can add up (With Other Companies Not Us). Some outsourced professionals are usually pay as you go, but consider using a bulk discount approach. Meaning, the days of one and done in today’s market will get you overlooked. Use the Netflix or Costco of video production strategy, so the more video you need the less the costs. Most video marketing companies as well will try the one hat fits all, Peace Entertainment does the opposite! Not every video marketing production company knows how to do that. If you need videos and or marketing on a consistent basis as well all business do, ask about this option.

  • Long-term relationships or no? You could hire talented contractors full time, pulling them into your businesses in-house. I suggest getting consultation and contract trust. Employees with cost you for something may just be long-term projects.

When It Makes Sense

When you control the budget, the need is there, and when competition has taken your place.

  1. You are already committed to using video, and

  2. Need to produce content consistently over a long period of time.

  3. You haven't used a lot of commercial video yet, and you're desire to establish you and your business as an influencer and or authority in the industry.

  4. Want a visual identity and connecting with customers through that medium,

  5. Now ask your team, when is the last time we reviewed our marketing and sales plan, seeing if they’re in line with our goals? Outsourcing is the upfront benchmark for getting the work you need done. There's no need to worry about investment in expensive equipment, hiring a team and placing them in the marketing department, or figuring out whether this my vision. Do you need a turnkey solution? Outsourced professionals provide that for you.

  6. If you've never invested in professional video and marketing before, outsourced professionals can: document your need to meet or beat your goals. Also, help clarify your vision along with project objectives. Great video production and marketing companies will discuss your target audience and resonate with them.

Outsourcing professionals is a great call whether you're just getting started with video marketing or not. If you've heard about video's potential and scared to make the leap, outsourcing a project or two will take away your fears without massive investments. They take away is a tangle service and product that can be used as a tool over and over. What other marketing does that, at least one people want to watch again.

Another situation where outsourcing makes a lot of sense is when the right expert has your best interest at heart and has the know-how to increase your chances of your investment paying off. In addition to getting a good return on goals being reached.

Do you prefer to outsource video production or use an in-house team or contractors? Why? Leave a comment below and share your experience!


About the author:



Peace i.e. Rick Hughes Jr. is a passionate content creator, dedicated to producing positive change through the power of video. Starting his career as a Hip Hop artist named "Peace," Rick developed his skills in communications and broadcast journalism, which led him to work with major media outlets such as Black Entertainment Television, News Channel 8, Discovery Channel, National Geographic, and various music groups. In 2001, he founded Peace Entertainment Media, providing top-quality videography services to a diverse clientele. It's a socially responsible edutainment brand that leverages the power of videos to promote positive impact within the business community. With his team, Rick has expanded his offerings to include video marketing, photojournalism, and live streaming services. Rick continues to connect and engage through his creative work, making a significant impact on the business and entertainment industries.

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